Public Notice
Property owners and other interested parties in the Town of La Paz, Indiana, are hereby notified that the Rate Ordinance Number 2023-09, increasing the rates and charges for services to be rendered by the sewer works and adding certain penalties for delinquent accounts, was introduced at a meeting of the Town Council held on October 12, 2023.
A public hearing of the Town Council will be held at 6:00 PM, local time, on December 14, 2023 at the La Paz Town Hall at 108 Randolph Street, La Paz, Indiana, on the matter of the rates and charges and certain penalties for delinquent accounts. The Council will convene and may consider the adoption of said ordinance at the meeting to be held on December 14, 2023. The Rate Ordinance provides for an increase in rates as set forth in the text of the Rate Ordinance which is included in this Notice. At such public hearing and prior to final adoption of the Rate Ordinance, all interested parties may appear and be heard. The complete text of proposed Rate Ordinance and the Rate Report prepared by the financial advisor are on file and available for examination and copying at the office of the Clerk Treasurer, at 108 Randolph Street, La Paz, Indiana during regular business hours, and will be available at the public hearing.
Public comments and input will also be accepted in writing via mail or email. Copies of all written comments received in advance of the hearing will be distributed to the members of the town council for their review and consideration. Letters concerning Ordinance Number 2023-09 may be submitted by mail to the Clerk-Treasurer’s Office the La Paz Town Hall at 108 Randolph Street, La Paz, Indiana.
Click here to download and read the full public notice.